General Outlook on the Development of the Language of Law and Legislative Texts

Keywords: language of law, text of law, legal term, clichés, forensic linguistics, history of language, history of law


The purpose of the article is to examine the matter of the genesis of the language of law, the development of the concept of "law" and the formation of models of legislative texts. The differentiation of types of laws, its foundations and trends are considered diachronically. The article examines the general and particular functional, formal and substantive features of laws adopted in different time periods, the phenomenon of model lawmaking, and the unification of legislative forms. Special attention is paid to the linguistic and terminological basis of laws, legal reception. It is noted that the change of terminological systems reflects various state and socio-political paradigms. The methods and approaches traditional for Russian studies and forensic linguistics have been used to write this article. The legal texts of the XI – XX centuries and modern Russian laws, as well as works of linguists, legal scholars and representatives of other sciences have served as research material.


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Author Biography

Marina Batuyshkina, Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Oblast

Сandidate of Pedagogy; сonsultant of the department of linguistic expertise of the legal department of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region; member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentation and Information Disputes (GLEDIS).


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How to Cite
Batuyshkina, M. (2021). General Outlook on the Development of the Language of Law and Legislative Texts. Legal Linguistics, (19 (30), 5-14.
Language and Law