Theoretical framework of diagnostic techniques of legal authorship examination (on the material of written interpersonal electronic communication)

Keywords: authorship research, biosocial features, the Internet discourse


 The article discusses the Internet discourse in the aspect of authorship problems. The article outlines the specific features of modern computer communication, the genre features of interpersonal correspondence that affects the language of electronic messages. It is argued that in the Internet discourse the speech skills of the authors are manifested specifically, which requires a different approach to the study of authorship in this sphere of communication. Some features to be noted by the expert when working with Internet communications are singled out. The article presents the results of the analysis of messages in social networks and messengers, the purpose of which was to identify speech features that indicate the specific biological and social characteristics of the authors. Messages in social networks and instant messengers are treated as phenomena of the same order, since they are close functionally, since they serve mainly for the informal exchange of information between recipients familiar with each other, and presuppose primarily written dialog. The case study analyses messages written by men and women aged 12 to 72 years old, with different education, employed in various spheres, both citizens of Russia and other countries. The analysis revealed lexical, phraseological, grammatical, stylistic, spelling, punctuation features of the authors' messages, depending on their age, place of birth, knowledge of the Russian language, level of education and general culture, job and occupation. The characteristic features of the lexical level are recognized as the most illustrative. The article argues that not only linguistic methods proper but also statistical, quantitative methods should be applied the analysis of the Internet communication.


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Author Biography

Ekaterina Zhdanova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Linguistic


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How to Cite
Zhdanova, E. (2019). Theoretical framework of diagnostic techniques of legal authorship examination (on the material of written interpersonal electronic communication). Legal Linguistics, (13 (24), 18-24.
Forensic Linguistics