The Maxims of Ancient Rome as the Basis for Legal Certainty of Modern Civil Litigation

УДК 347.9, ББК 67.410.1

Keywords: civil procedure, legal certainty, procedural regime, procedural axioms, procedural form


The article discusses the basic provisions that form the basis of civil proceedings and its legal regimes, which to varying degrees reflect the legal certainty of civil proceedings. The authors reveal the signs of the regime of legal certainty, the means of which, in addition to the norms of law, may be the provisions contained in the maxims (axioms) of civil procedure. The paper considers the main maxims illustrating certain aspects of the legal certainty of civil proceedings. Among these the authors name the formal certainty of law, accessibility and equity of procedure, consistency of a final rule of court, certainty and integrity of a rule of court, its enforceability and prevention of civil procedure abusing. The authors conclude that the maxims were basically developed in the law of Ancient Rome, and then were received and accepted by the law of other states. At the same time, maxims have become the main minimum standard of legal certainty. At the present stage of development of Russian procedural law, there is an increased attention to the mechanisms of res judicata, estoppel lis pendens, non bis in idem and a normative strengthening of procedural axioms based on these elements. Axioms are actually valid, ignoring them leads to distortion of the normal course of the process and prevents the implementation of the regime of legal certainty in particular. The authors see the expediency in using maxims as criteria for resolving competition of the principles of civil procedural law, including the principle of legal certainty with others. A conclusion is made about the inviolability of procedural postulates during the transformation of the civil procedural regime.


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Author Biographies

Evgeny Timofeev, Altai State University

Lecturer of the Department of Labor, Environmental Law and Civil Procedure of the Law Institute, Altai State University

Irina Rehtina , Altai State University

Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Labor, Environmental Law and Civil Procedure, Law Institute, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Timofeev, E., & Rehtina , I. (2024). The Maxims of Ancient Rome as the Basis for Legal Certainty of Modern Civil Litigation. Legal Linguistics, (31 (42), 6-11.
Language of law