Non-classical Theory of Categorization in Criminal Law
УДК 343.01, ББК 67.408
The article discusses the study of the non-classical theory of categorization, which is a «prototype theory», and the possibility of its use in criminal law. In criminal law the category of circumstances mitigating punishment can serve as an example of a non-classical theory of categorization in the form of the application of prototype theory. The non-strict categorization criteria developed within the framework of non-classical theory cannot be applied to the primary basic criminal law categories, such as «crime» and «punishment», since the members of these categories can only be exhaustively established by criminal law of offences and penalties. However, this fact does not exclude the application of the non-classical theory of categorization in criminal law. The reason, and even the necessity, of using non-strict categorization in criminal law is grounded by the presence of such categories for which it is impossible to imagine a limited and clearly defined number of members with entirely the same general characteristics. The evaluative criminal law categories are most consistent with this approach. Criminal law evaluation categories are also language categories that must comply with the rules of the language to the greatest extent due to their lack of certainty and an unlimited number of category members. According to the author, principles developed within the framework of cognitive linguistics can be used in criminal law categorization, such as the principle of prototypicality, with certain limitations, the principle of taking into account the non-strictness of categories, the principle of gradation and the principle of multiplicity and diversity of the bases of categorization. In the context of the relationship with the non-classical theory of categorization, criminal law categories are scientific categories of criminal law that are based on non-strict categorization criteria that perform the methodological function of evaluative concepts and reflect the modern practice of applying criminal law norms.
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