Sensitive Topics Related to LGBT Propaganda in Respect of Current Legislation
УДК 340.132.6, ББК 67.0
The article examines the issue of discussing sensitive topics in the context of modern laws on LGBT propaganda. The study discusses identifying the characteristics of a text that does not contradict various ideas about linguistic security. During the study, an analysis of current legislation in this field is carried out, on the basis of which methodological recommendations for authors are also developed. Particular attention is paid to defining text security criteria for all participants in media communication, as well as clarifying certain aspects in accordance with existing regulations. The legal norms are studied in the article in the context of general trends in modern legislation dedicated to the preservation of traditional family values. When drawing up methodological recommendations, the results of a comparative analysis of the text of new articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with their previous versions are also taken into account. Through a detailed analysis of the texts of Articles 6.21 and 6.21.2 of the Code, the system of concepts of the designated articles of the law is reconstructed, which is further used when identifying markers of statements that threaten the safety of participants in communication. Based on all the aspects above, in the conclusion the author states criteria for sensitive content in the field of LGBT propaganda and presents the results of the research in the form of recommendations.
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