On the Content of the Concept of “Ecological Tourism” in Russian Legislation

УДК 349.6, ББК 67.407

Keywords: eco-tourism, concept, statutory documents


The article analyzes policy documents and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing the concept of “ecological tourism”. It is noted that the importance of eco-tourism has been reflected for quite a long time in acts of various nature. It is indicated that the implementation of the provisions of the Tourism Development Strategy in the Russian Federation for the period until 2035 requires further reform of Russian legislation in terms of changing approaches aimed at developing eco-tourism.Studying the current legislation, the authors come to the conclusion that there are shortcomings in regulations that impede effective legal influence on the development of eco-tourism. The authors analyze the concepts of ecological tourism enshrined in various legal acts, the goals of this type of tourism and come to the conclusion that there is no clear approach to the definition of the concept in question.To identify the specifics of ecological tourism, the article also examines the concepts of “nature tourism”, “rural tourism”, “cultural and educational tourism”, and an attempt is made to distinguish between these types of tourism and ecological tourism by clarifying the similarities and differences. Considering the types of ecological tours established in legal acts, the authors point out the ineffectiveness of the proposed classifications.According to the authors, the importance of solving the problem of a clear definition of the concept of “ecological tourism” is also conditioned by the fact that, according to the current legislation, one of the tasks of specially protected natural areas (federal nature reserves and national parks) is the organization and implementation of tourism. Considering the environmental significance of these areas of nature, the solution to this problem is relevant and necessary for the effective regulation of relations in the field of tourism and environmental activities.


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Author Biographies

Olga Трубникова, Altai State University

Altai State University, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Labor, Environmental Law and Civil Procedure

Natalia Kalashnik, Altai State University

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Altai State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Labor, Environmental Law and Civil Procedure


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How to Cite
ТрубниковаO., & Kalashnik, N. (2024). On the Content of the Concept of “Ecological Tourism” in Russian Legislation. Legal Linguistics, (32 (43), 74-78. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2024)3213