The Procedure for the Official Publishing of Regulatory Legal Acts as a Source of Russian Law

Keywords: regulatory legal act, publishing, publication, source of official publication


The article is aimed at the study of the procedure for publishing of regulatory legal acts in accordance with Russian legislation. Normative legal acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen are the most important source of Russian law and should be officially published. It is with this fact that the law connects their entry into force. Given that there are no legal definitions of a regulatory legal act, official text, publication, problems arise in law enforcement practice. In addition, the diversity of normative acts by the level of their adoption indicates the diversity of sources of their official publication. This scientific article has been delivered in order to determine the rules for the publishing of laws and other regulations, national and international documents. The author concludes that it is necessary to improve legislation in field and the legal definition of the concepts under study.


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Author Biography

Olesya Kazantseva, Altai State University

Ph.D. in law, associate professor of the department of constitutional and international law of the law institute


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How to Cite
Kazantseva, O. (2021). The Procedure for the Official Publishing of Regulatory Legal Acts as a Source of Russian Law. Legal Linguistics, (22(33), 13-17.
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