Some Challenges of Defining the Legal Status of Publication Hashtagging on Social Networks

УДК 34.09 ББК 67.5

  • Maria Starodubtseva Altai State University Email:
Keywords: terrorism, extremism, hashtag, hybrid war


The article covers the study of the legal status of hashtagging. The relevance of the study is predetermined by the increased danger of mass control technologies applied to Russian youth through the Internet. The research methodology includes general methods of scientific research - analysis, synthesis, systemic, logical, as well as special methods, including comparative legal method. The method of comparative legal research allows us to highlight the main problems of hashtagging legal regulation. The study includes three main stages: (1) - analysis of the basic regulations in the area under study and identification of contradictions in legal regulation; (2) -analysis of the current situation as a practical matter of defining hashtagging as a phenomenon that is not relevant for legal reality; (3) – outlining  the way to resolve the existing contradiction in the legislative regulation and practice.

The main challenge found is the ambiguity in defining the legal status of hashtags in isolation from the text of publications. As a result of the work done, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the legislation aimed at regulating the legal status of hashtagging and to clarify this through the supreme judicial authorities.


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Author Biography

Maria Starodubtseva, Altai State University

Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Law Institute, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Starodubtseva, M. (2023). Some Challenges of Defining the Legal Status of Publication Hashtagging on Social Networks. Legal Linguistics, (27(38), 27-30.