The article is devoted to semantic analysis within the framework of linguistic expertise. There has been developed an approach of interpretative analysis of the semantic and grammatical structures. The latter refers to linguistic units that either 1) exist as a grammatical construction with definite morphological characteristics of the components linked by particular syntactic relation, 2) have certain vocabulary scope of structures: generalized semantics of the model is detailed through a particular lexical implementation, and semantic implementations can be classified.
For example, the analysis of specific lexico-grammatical construction «people of somebody» (people of Petrov), which has become the subject of legal and forensic dispute, shows the position on this particular issue and gives grounds to the employment of the approach of semantic analysis of linguistic units in linguistic research for expert purposes.
Five stages of semantic analysis of a lexico-grammatical construction have been singled out:
- · grammatical analysis of the generalized model (in this case it is a noun in the nominative case + noun in genitive),
- · analysis of a specified semantic-grammatical model, in which one syntactic position has a lexical meaning: the people of somebody,
- · analysis of the whole lexical structure of the model, taking into account the specific characteristics of the second word (whose people, where the second noun denotes an animate object),
- · interpretation of lexicalized model in the context of with its style, and the text meaning,
- · analysis of a structure with specific lexical content in the situational context and discourse.
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