• Elena Tikhomirova Belarusian State University Email: alena.tikhomirova@gmail.com
Keywords: informal discourse, presuppositions, surface syntactic frame


Texts of social networks allow studying the informal speech behavior and values of our contemporaries. The analysis of the surface syntactic frame of utterance shows how the addresser can influence the interlocutors, thus, the addressee should be able to analyze texts.


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Author Biography

Elena Tikhomirova, Belarusian State University

Associate Professor, Russian Language Department, Faculty of Philology


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How to Cite
Tikhomirova, E. (2017). SPEECH INFLUENCE IN FRIENDLIST TEXTS OF THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Legal Linguistics, (6 (17), 102-114. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2017)610
Suggestive function of language and speech manipulation