• Anton Vasilyev Altai State University Email:
  • Dariush Szpoper Warmia-Mazury University (Olsztyn) Email:
  • Maigul Mataeva Kazakh Humanitarian and Law Innovation University (Semey) Email:
Keywords: legal writing, information society, digital economy, artificial intelligence, robots


The article deals with the legal aspects of the use of artificial intelligence technology. The authors note a weak statutory regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in Russia, taking into account the active and widespread introduction of this technology in various spheres of life. Developments in the field of artificial intelligence raise very serious ethic and legal issues. Several legal issues, such as the nature of artificial intelligence, the existence of legal personality, the problem of liability for damage caused by artificial intelligence, the impact on the legal profession, etc., need to be addressed. Particular attention is paid to the need of developing a legal concept of artificial intelligence in order to build an effective model of legal regulation. The article analyzes approaches to the definition of artificial intelligence in special and legal literature. The use of such concepts as neural networks, machine learning, super intelligence, supercomputers is noted. Special attention is given to the attempts of legal definitions in South Korea and the European Union. According to the results of the study, the authors proposed the following features of artificial intelligence: the presence of a technical device or cyberphysical system; ability to receive, process and transfer information; ability to work autonomously; self-learning based on the analysis of information and experience; self-awareness; thinking and the ability to make independent decisions.



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Author Biographies

Anton Vasilyev, Altai State University

Doctor of Law, Department of Theory and History of State and Law

Dariush Szpoper, Warmia-Mazury University (Olsztyn)

Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of the History of State and Law of Poland, History of Political and Legal Doctrines

Maigul Mataeva, Kazakh Humanitarian and Law Innovation University (Semey)

Doctor of Law, Vice-Rector for scientific work and commercialization of scientific technologies



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How to Cite
Vasilyev, A., Szpoper, D., & Mataeva, M. (2018). THE TERM «ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE» IN THE RUSSIAN LAW: DOCTRINAL ANALYSIS. Legal Linguistics, (7/8(18/19), 35-44.
Legal Techniques