The Speech Act of Threat in Various Communicative Situations

Keywords: speech act, threat, communicative situation


The paper attempts to identify common features characteristic of the expression of a threat in different communicative situations, as well as to describe the circumstances affecting the choice of certain language means to express threat. The direct and indirect forms of speech aggression seen as threat are studied in four spheres: political, business, everyday vernacular and mass media. We used data obtained by the method of continuous sampling from the Internet as material for the study: screenshots of personal correspondence, posts on social networks, photographs of paper media. In all these data, the speech act of the threat is recorded in writing and represents a threat-warning.


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Author Biographies

Elena Yurina, Altay state university


Svetlana Doronina, Altay state university

Head of the Department of General and Applied Philology, Literature and Russian Language, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Yurina, E., & Doronina, S. (2021). The Speech Act of Threat in Various Communicative Situations. Legal Linguistics, (20(31), 19-23.