The Ontological Nature of Gender Equality as a Philosophical and Legal Category

Keywords: gender equality, philosophy of law, women's rights, discrimination


This publication is aimed at gaining the insight into the concept of "gender equality". The article shows that the growing need for understanding the principle of gender equality at the philosophical and legal level is caused by the trends themselves within the changing legislation. The authors have specified that according to the generally accepted position, gender equality is understood as an absolutely identical   range of opportunities. The participation and presence of both sexes in every area of society is an integral part of the legal equality of men and women. It is noted that value of women is heatedly discussed,  as they are seen as an abnormal group from the point of view of a patriarchal society. All above is ultimately aimed at finding legal constructs that minimize the hierarchy of differences between the genders.


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Author Biographies

Alexander Golovinov, Altay state university

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute

Yulia Golovinova, Altay state pedagogical university

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and Methods of Teaching Socio-Economic Disciplines


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How to Cite
Golovinov, A., & Golovinova, Y. (2021). The Ontological Nature of Gender Equality as a Philosophical and Legal Category. Legal Linguistics, (21 (32), 11-13.
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