Linguistic examination of modern Internet advertisement copy

Keywords: advertisement text, linguistic expertise, discourse analysis


 This article discusses the specifics of modern advertisement text. The author of the study focuses on the fundamental cognitive and affective functions of advertisement in the creation and perception of an advertisement product. The article illustrates the legal aspects of advertisement in modern society with reference to the federal legal framework. The characteristics of dishonest and unethical advertisement are indicated. On the basis of the drawn conclusions the linguistic expertise of an advertisement text from the Internet is carried out. A detailed linguistic analysis of advertisement in accordance with the specified algorithm is presented. The study examines the characteristics of the advertisement text, the object of advertisement, the form of the advertisement slogan functioning. The recipient of the analyzed advertisement product is defined. The results of linguistic expertise can be considered self-sufficient or serve as a basis for further analysis of the above mentioned  advertisement text.


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Author Biography

Natalia Geraskevich, Surgut State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor of the Chair of linguistic education and intercultural communications


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How to Cite
Geraskevich, N. (2019). Linguistic examination of modern Internet advertisement copy. Legal Linguistics, (13 (24), 14-17.
Forensic Linguistics