Deliberate Distortion of Written Speech as a Subject of Authorship Expertise

  • Tamara Izotova Ural Regional Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Email:
Keywords: written speech, legal authorship expertise, situational diagnostics, distortion of written language


The article offers generalized practice of text authorship expertise where texts are compiled with deliberate distortion of written speech. The definition of the concept of "disguise of written speech" is given, its types are described. The article cpecifies the subject and objectives of the authorship expertise within this category of cases. It also describes the diagnostic signs of distorted written language. The conclusion has been reached that common signs of distortion are either complex formations of contradicting traditional common signs, or they combine certain particular signs into groups, where presence of at least one of them is mandatory in any distorted text. There are also methods described to help identify signs of distorted written language.


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Author Biography

Tamara Izotova, Ural Regional Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
leading forensic expert


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How to Cite
Izotova, T. (2020). Deliberate Distortion of Written Speech as a Subject of Authorship Expertise. Legal Linguistics, (17 (28), 19-21.
Forensic Linguistics