Speech Portrait of Personality as a Tool of Forensic AuthorshipAttribution

Keywords: speech portrait, vernacular, narrative strategies, forensic authorship attribution


The article discussesapplication of speech portraitpotential in forensic authorship attribution. An illustrative example is the speech portraits of Russian vernacular native speakers of different ages and genders living in the same language community - the village of Kamyshenka, Altai Krai. The results of the study can be used for speech identification within the framework forensic authorship attribution, since the described lexical and grammatical features of the speech of each respondent form unique combinations that allow for the identification procedure. The nature of the narrative strategies in the structure of the speech portrait is also established, which are no less, if sometimes even a more informative feature of the speech portrait of a linguistic persona than the lexical and grammatical features of the speech.


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Author Biography

Irina Mursa, Altai Forensic Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

state forensic examiner 


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How to Cite
Mursa, I. (2020). Speech Portrait of Personality as a Tool of Forensic AuthorshipAttribution. Legal Linguistics, (18 (29), 16-20. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2020)1804
Forensic Linguistics