E-Justice Texts: Factors of Borrowing Terms and Motivation

УДК 343.3/.7, ББК 67.408.1

Keywords: borrowed terms, e-justice, digital technologies, motivation, term element


The research is based on the articles, overviews and reports of the participants of the academic research “Transformation of Legal Regulation of Relations, Connected with Application of Digital Technologies in Legal System and within the System of Enforcement of Court Rulings” from which there have been extracted and analyzed terms, recently borrowed from English into Russian, which occur in the texts of e-justice. There has been done an overview of the opinions of Russian and foreign linguists connected with the issue of acceptance of borrowings, that resulted in such features as expedience, common sense, and correspondence to the target language standard. There have been generalized extralinguistic and linguistic factors of borrowings.

There have been stated that transmitted terms are borrowed in a ready-made form. They are motivated lexemes in both languages. Being included in the complex hierarchical structure of micro- and macro-fields, the transmitted terms become integral elements of the term system, acquiring the semantic properties of the basic system-forming terms. Their Greek and Latin term elements support the process of internationalization of vocabulary and the ways of its formation.

Some unmotivated and partially motivated basic terms of the computer branch of knowledge are frequency terms for digital texts. These interdisciplinary terms meet the requirements of brevity, unambiguity, and lack of synonymity, which indicates their ideal compliance with the terminological nomination.


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Author Biography

Nadezhda Kalmazova, RUDN University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Law Institute


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How to Cite
Kalmazova, N. (2023). E-Justice Texts: Factors of Borrowing Terms and Motivation. Legal Linguistics, (29(40), 6-13. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2023)2901
Language of law