Classification of Typical Tasks of Forensic Linguistics

УДК 343.148, ББК 67.53

Keywords: forensic linguistics, forensic speech examination, expert task, classification


The main problem in forensic linguistic theory is the lack of an agreeable classification of expert tasks. Since the concept of expert task precedes concepts of method and methodology, it is clear that without regularizing tasks, further theoretical understanding of this subject area is impossible.

The purpose of our article is a theoretical revision of this topic. Definitions of the term "expert task" are specified, and bases for classifying tasks common to all kinds and types of forensic examination are listed. We've checked classification options found in modern methodological and teaching publications on forensic linguistics in Russian ("Semantic Research in Forensic Linguistic Expertise" by RFCFS of the Russian Ministry of Justice, textbook by prof. Elena Galyashina, manual by ECC of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs). We've evaluated their logical correctness and compliance with the criminalistic and philological scientific basis. The conclusion is made about the suitability of some and unsuitability of other options: it is better to use the classification proposed by ECC of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (tasks on denotative, evaluative, illocutionary, and extralinguistic components of a speech object). We've also concluded that it is unproductive to classify forensic linguistic tasks on a substantive law basis (tasks in cases of extremism, cases of libel, cases of corruption crimes, etc.). Such an understanding of expert tasks leads to systematic work outside of expert competence, in the field of law: an expert linguist plays the role of a competent investigation officer.


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Author Biography

Elena Novozhilova, Russian State University for the Humanities

PhD applicant, Russian State University for the Humanities (Institute for History and Philology)


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How to Cite
Novozhilova, E. (2023). Classification of Typical Tasks of Forensic Linguistics. Legal Linguistics, (29(40), 73-77.
Forensic Linguistics