Revenge Porn: On the Problem of Linguistic Analysis of Pornographic Content

УДК 81`27, ББК 81

Keywords: pornography narrative, context, re-contextualization, intentionality, discourse-analysis


The paper discusses the problem of forensic analysis of pornographic information in revenge porn situation (non-consensual public placement of materials of sexual explicit content). The paper presents a list of social practices related to revenge porn, specifies the participants of the communicative act (actor, addressee- person caught on camara, addressee-reference group, addressee-third-party participant), determines the intentional component of the actor's communicative activity, gives a list of the actor's communicative goals in conditions of multiple addressee-targeting . The features of the recontextualization of pornographic material are revealed. A weak dependence of pornographic discourse on extralinguistic background is established. It is noted that in the situation of revenge porn sexual explicit information is subjected to recontextualization, which makes it difficult to establish linguistic (semiotic) signs of pornographic information in forensic analysis. It is established that under the conditions of the transfer of a sexual explicit text into a conflict-triggering context, pornographic meanings are preserved. At the same time, the actualization of the taboo aspect of sexual interaction underlies the transformation of the emotive potential and determines the nature of the relationship between the participants in the communicative situation. The authors conclude that in order to establish the linguistic features of sexual explicit information, it is necessary to decontextualize the text submitted for forensic research. Analysis of the distribution context is necessary to establish the extralinguistic background of the actor's communication activity.


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Author Biographies

Olga Zaytseva, Kutafin Moscow State Law University
senior lecturer at the University O. E. Kutafina (MSAL)
Pavel Katyshev, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

Doctor of Philology, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute


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How to Cite
Zaytseva, O., & Katyshev, P. (2023). Revenge Porn: On the Problem of Linguistic Analysis of Pornographic Content. Legal Linguistics, (30(41), 71-77.
Forensic Linguistics