The Symbiotic Nature of Destructive Discourse in Respect of Linguistic Expertise

УДК 343.54, ББК 67.408.113

Keywords: discourse, destructiveness, destructive discourse, legal linguistics, linguistic expertise


The article discusses the nature of destructive discourse in respect of linguistic expertise. Discourse is defined as a text corpus, fragments of which have semantic convergence and intertextual connection, expressed by special pragmatic and semantic markers. It is concluded that the study of controversial texts as elements of a particular discourse must be carried out within the framework of the pragmasemantic paradigm. To do this, the expert must determine the influence of pragmatic factors on the nature of the conveyedmessage, as well as identify lexical and semantic means that were used to implement communicative tasks. The asset of this approach is in taking into account such specific properties of discourse as intentionality, interactionality and social conditioning. It is established that destructiveness is the most important category that defines the pragmatics of discourse. The article defines the content of the category "destructiveness" in the scope of philosophical concepts, considers the factors of destructive behavior from the point of view of physiology and genetics, defines the mental and socio-cultural foundations of destructiveness. In relation to legal linguistics, the author understands destructiveness as a characteristic of discourse, in which the addressee uses conflictogenic speech technologies that provoke the addressee to illegal actions. Accordingly, destructive discourse is a special type of discursive practice, where the subject of speech generation is a delinquent linguistic persona, and the product is a conflictogenic text corpus, the content of which has signs of illegality. Destructive discourse has a symbiotic nature and is implemented within the framework of religious, ethnic, racial, political and other discourses. When studying controversial texts of various types of discourse, experts primarily identify statements containing offensive nominations and public calls for violent actions against representatives of other races, ethnic groups, faiths, as well as markers of propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on one or another basis.


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Author Biography

Alexander Dziadzinkin, Vitebsk Branch “International University “MITSO”

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Law and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines


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How to Cite
Dziadzinkin, A. (2024). The Symbiotic Nature of Destructive Discourse in Respect of Linguistic Expertise. Legal Linguistics, (34 (45), 126-131.