Ideology of Oblastnichestvo as the Reflection of Russian Culture: Case Study of Lexico-Linguistic Practices in George Grebenshchikov's Story «The Khanate of Batyrbek»
УДК 340.12 ББК 67.1
The article researches lexical and linguistic practices in George Grebenshchikov's story "The Khanate of Batyrbek" as one of the outstanding works of regional literature. George Grebenshchikov's interest for regionalism is connected with the inheritance of the ideas of Nikolay Yadrintsev and Grigory Potanin, as well as with the construction of an autobiographical myth: Grebenshchikov called regionalism one of the key elements of his autobiography. "The Khanate of Batyrbek" embodies the writer's interest for nomadic culture and combines ethnographic and artistic components, processing the problem of nomads integrating into a settled society. The article analyzes the practices that Grebenshchikov uses to oppose the cultural identity of the non-European peoples of Siberia and Western civilization, which strives for unification. Characters’ way of life and their national identity are created by such lexical and linguistic means as “speaking names”, foreign inclusions, as well as those given in the text without translation. Thus, the story of George Grebenshchikov "The Khanate of Batyrbek" is an illustrative representation of the lexical and linguistic practices of the Siberian regionalism.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Елена Масяйкина, Софья Владимирова
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