The Concept of "Province" in the Philosophical and Legal Doctrine of the Siberian Regionalists: Analysis of the Сategorical Apparatus of Political and Legal Thought of N.M. Yadrintsev and G.N. Potanin
УДК 340.12 ББК 67.1
This publication is aimed at understanding the specifics of the categorical apparatus of the political and legal ideology of the Siberian regionalism. Guided by textological and hermeneutical tools, an attempt is made to show that the term "province” was the main concept characteristic of the language of the philosophy of the law of regionalism. The author emphasizes that the regionalists carried this definition through all the years of their political and legal work.
The article has found that the term "province" was seen by regionalists as coherent to such trems as "outskirts", "oblast", "region" and "periphery". Siberian patriots also synonymously identified the “provincial issue” with “local needs”.
The article also reveals the theoretical and methodological guidelines of the political and legal thought of regionalism supporters. The main paradigms that served as the ideological platform for the political and legal thought of the founders of Siberian regionalism include a whole range of European humanistic ideals, materialistic dialectics and narodnik philosophy of law. The adaption of Western concepts allowed regional thinkers to develop in depth the category of “province”.
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