Forensic Linguistic Expertise: Specifics of Evaluation in Criminal Proceedings

УДК 347.948 ББК 67.410.204.15

  • Natalie Papoyan South Ural State University Email:
Keywords: forensic linguistic examination, the evaluation of the forensic linguistic examination, criminal proceedings


The paper is about the research of the forensic linguistic expertise evaluation in criminal proceedings. The interest for forensic linguistic expertise grows yearly. This is conditioned by the introduction of additions to the Russian Criminal Code represented by articles 207.3, 284.2; by the constant growth of extremist crimes; by instances of forensic examinations made by incompetent linguists, etc. In this regard, the problem of evaluation of forensic linguistic expertise is quite relevant and requires an immediate and practical solution in particular. The article discusses the peculiarities of forensic linguistic expertise evaluation from the perspective of different subjects of evaluation, the process of forming their inner conviction and options for the final decision. We believe that one of the important stages of solving this problem is to determine the formal parameters of the expert opinion evaluation. These parameters will allow the subjects of evaluation to form an inner conviction regarding the acceptance of the conclusion of linguistic expertise as evidence. In addition to the existing recommendations for forensic linguistic examination, it is necessary to thoroughly assess the competence of the expert, the object of the examination, the list of terms, literature, etc. We believe that the formal criteria of forensic linguistic examination evaluation contribute to a more objective evaluation of the forensic examination, which is especially relevant for the subjects of evaluation who meet the linguistic examination for the first time in the investigative or judicial practice.


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How to Cite
Papoyan, N. (2023). Forensic Linguistic Expertise: Specifics of Evaluation in Criminal Proceedings. Legal Linguistics, (27(38), 111-117.
Forensic Linguistics