• Olga Kushnir Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin Email:
  • Ivan Martyshev Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin Email:
Keywords: document text, linguistic expertise, legal force of a document


The article discusses the problem at the junction of records  management, linguistics and jurisprudence - the problem of the quality of texts of official documents, first of all - documents that have legal force. Classifying documents into official and other is based on the property of the document to influence legal relations, or to have legal force. The notion of "legal value of a document" applied in records management is applicable both to official documents and to other documents. According to the authors, the fundamental difference between the indicated properties of documents is the temporal correlation of the processes themselves: the appearance of the document and the occurrence of an event or action with which the document is linked by legal force or legal value: the legal force links the document to events or actions that occur, as a rule, after enaction of the document, and the legal value links the document to the events that occurred / actions committed. The line between the two processes that cause the manifestation of the specified properties of the document is very unstable. At the same time, one document can have both legal force and legal value. Texts of official documents that have legal force most often become subjects of linguistic expertise, since their own legal and social value is higher than that of all other documents. But the very property of legal force in different types of documents is different and depends on the legal status and competence of the author (authors) of the document, and on its functional purpose. In the practice of linguistic expertise of document texts, one distinguishes the expertise carried out at the design stage of the text of the document and the expertise carried out at the stage of its application: in the first case, the preventive function of the linguistic expertise is manifested, in the second case- the detective. Linguistic expertise of document texts, according to the authors' conclusion, should receive a clear institutional status in document communication and in the system of state and municipal management, and at the corporate (local) level.


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Author Biographies

Olga Kushnir, Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin

Director of the Institute of Humanities


Ivan Martyshev, Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin




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How to Cite
Kushnir, O., & Martyshev, I. (2016). DOCUMENT COMMUNICATION IN THE CONTEXT OF LINGUISTIC EXPERTISE. Legal Linguistics, (5 (16), 16-26.
Language and Law