Keywords: communicative failure, mental worlds of communicants, the communication text, circumstances of communication


The article describes an advertising communicative model and examines the types of communicative failures in modern Russian advertising basing on methods of linguistic description and interpretation. Direct linguistic observation and  systemic description of linguistic material is complemented by discourse and medialinguistic analysis. The study is of an interpretative nature.

Advertising communication uses many forms of influence on the addressee and means of dissemination of information, such as promotional, agonal, and manipulative. Since it is part of not only marketing but also the cultural sphere of public life, it also has a communicative, aesthetic and ethical value along with a commercial one. Communicative failure is interpreted as low recognition and memorability of the advertising work, as well as its unassailability, public disapproval and contradiction with the norms of morality and law. The reasons for failures in advertising can be insufficient account of the nature of the addressee, incorrect use of linguistic and visual means, as well as pragmatic factors.

Basing on the analysis of advertising works of different genres, the typology of communicative failures in advertising can be represented as follows:

1. Dissonance of the mental worlds of communicants:

A) the contradiction of the cultural tradition;

B) the use of precedent phenomena, actualizing negative historical memory, causing negative associations or violating norms of ethics;

C) non-recognition of precedent phenomena.

2. The nature of the communicative text:

A) use of constructions with language negation;

B) ambiguity;

C) non-normality.

3. Circumstances of communication:

A) unsuccessful choice of the location of advertising;

B) violation of the compositional integrity of the advertising work (isolation from the context);

C) "imposed" context;

D) incorrect design.

All three types of communicative failures are subject to legal regulation - articles of the Federal Law. The legalization of advertising communication provides mechanisms for the impact of society on the advertising industry and creates the conditions for translating the communicative communicative model into an interactive one.


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Author Biography

Irina Vysotskaya, Novosibirsk National Research State University

Professor of the Department of Semiotics and Discourse Analysis at the Humanitarian Institute 


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How to Cite
Vysotskaya, I. (2016). TYPES OF COMMUNICATION FAILURES IN ADVERTISING. Legal Linguistics, (5 (16), 151-172. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2016)514