Keywords: verbal aggression, the types of verbal aggression, verbal extremism


The article deals with the peculiarities of verbal aggression under modern conditions of communication. It states unconscious and conscious types of verbal aggression. Unconscious verbal aggression provoked by the low level of culture of communicants, inability to control their behavior in an emotionally demanding situation and the inability to foresee the consequences of communication acts as the primary form in the mind of the individual, provoking the existence of further deliberate verbal aggression of different levels of social danger. The study outlines and discusses three types of such aggression: compensatory, ignorant, and occasional. Conscious use of the contentious texts may have a different subjective position: from the communication necessary to ideologically driven. This also determines its division into three types (communicative, social, ideological), the content of which is analyzed from the perspective targets of the sender. It is noted that not all manifestations of verbal aggression can be considered an offence, as part of communication strategies involves the use of elements of aggressive behaviour in the process of communication, not carrying public danger. There are differences between the expression of insults and their identification as offense. Thus special attention should be paid to such communication, which is a public danger and is detrimental both to the society as a whole and its individual members. The article explores the relationship between the form of expression of aggression in the speech of the individual and the degree of public harm from insults to verbal extremism. A special role in the process of interpreting the text of the addressee is actualized, which is not only a passive object of aggression on the part of the author of the text, but also an active interpreter, on whose abilities depend the results of the communication process. 


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Author Biography

Natalia Gromova, Ural Institute of Commerce and law
Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate Professor of the Chair of Public Law and Social Disciplines




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How to Cite
Gromova, N. (2016). VERBAL AGGRESSION: FROM COMMUNICATION ERRORS TO THE OFFENCE. Legal Linguistics, (5 (16), 173-189.