• Maria Mushchinina University Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany Email:
Keywords: legal commentaries, German legal system


The article considers peculiarities of German commentaries to the laws: their history and development of this type of texts, their function in the German legal system, and also their typology. In addition, some parallels with Russian commentaries are drawn. German commentaries are the most important source of information for lawyers in all areas of their activity. They create a connection between legal practice and jurisdiction. Commentaries accompany the lawyers beginning from the studies and during the entire professional life. Commentaries largely affect the legal process, the lawmaking, and the development of the legal system. They are of so much importance in the German legal system that they can form so-called "prevailing opinion" (herrschende Meinung) - an opinion on a particular issue, which most experts adhere to and which, as a rule, judges follow.

Originating in the early 19 th century in the framework of scientific discourse, comments soon received application in the legal practice. The rich traditions of commenting make the highest demands on the structure and content of the commentaries. In the article, using the example of several commentaries for the German Civil Code (BGB), the distinctive features of their main types are considered. In particular, we are talking about the most detailed "large" commentaries (Großkommentare), "short" commentaries (Kurzkommentare), which are characterized by an extremely compressed representation of a large amount of information, "practical" commentaries (Handkommentare), for everyday use, and "educational" commentaries (Studienkommentare), which are made primarily for students of law.


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Author Biography

Maria Mushchinina, University Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany

Research fellow at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Turkology and Circumbaltic Studies



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Немецкие комментарии к Гражданскому уложению Германии

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How to Cite
Mushchinina, M. (2017). GERMAN COMMENTARIES AS A TEXT TYPE. Legal Linguistics, (6 (17), 3-18.
Legal Communication