"Insulting Religious Feelings": Everyday Consciousness and Law Enforcement

Keywords: insult to religious feelings, legal norms, everyday consciousness, Internet communication, Internet commentary, language semantics


The article considers defining the boundaries of the concept of “insulting religious feelings” from the point of view of a specialist in the field of religious studies, ordinary native speakers and a practicing forensic linguist. The material for the study is Internet comments to the news on topics related to religion that came to the attention of law enforcement agencies, analyzed in terms of compliance with the norms of legislation regulating the rights to freedom of conscience and religion, and the norms of administrative and criminal law aimed at protecting the feelings of believers. The paper uses the methods of formal legal analysis, description, experiment, semantic research, sociological survey data. The analysis revealed the causes of emerging social conflicts: low legal and communicative literacy of Internet users, broad interpretation of the concept of insult in the public and individual minds compared to the legal system, and the subjective perception of language units as emotionally evaluative or, on the contrary, neutral.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Doronina, Altai State Forensic Laboratory

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Leading State Forensic Expert of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Mirra Kashchaeva, Altay State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies of Russia, National and State-Confessional Relations, Altai State University

Yulia Trubnikova, Altay State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of General and Applied Philology, Literature and Russian Language, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Doronina, S., Kashchaeva, M., & Trubnikova, Y. (2022). "Insulting Religious Feelings": Everyday Consciousness and Law Enforcement. Legal Linguistics, (24 (35), 45-52. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2022)2408
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