Problems of the content of the term «helpless state» in the Criminal Code of Russian Federation

Keywords: helpless state, rape, sexual assault, murder, qualifying signs, evaluative concepts


 The article is devoted to the study of the term «helpless state», which is often used in establishing many corpora delicti. The author analyzes its interpreting in the qualification of different corpora delicti in the law enforcement practice. It is noted that official explanations for the interpretation of this concept are available only in relation to murder and violent sexual crimes. It is proved that the understanding of the characteristic under discussion in these corpora is fundamentally different. For the qualification of violent sexual crimes, it has a wider content than for the qualification of murder. It is proved that in law enforcement practice corpus delicti is qualified differently if there is helpless state. This leads to the problem of determining the content of the term for other corpora delicti, where it is also used, but not explained. An attempt is made to explain the different semantic content of the same term, depending on its place in corpus delicti. This approach is viewed here as negative. As a solution to the existing problem, it is proposed to leave the term in question the current name only in some establishments of corpora delicti while replacing it in others. This will allow different terms to be filled with different meanings. For consistency of interpretation, it is proposed to provide explanations in the relevant resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation or in a special resolution devoted to the interpretation of evaluative features. It is recommended to consider expanding this concept for the purpose of qualifying murders and other violent crimes to ensure ample qualifications of crimes and impose a fair punishment on those guilty.


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Author Biography

Nadezhda Tydykova, The Altay State University

Doctor of Law, associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Tydykova, N. (2019). Problems of the content of the term «helpless state» in the Criminal Code of Russian Federation. Legal Linguistics, (13 (24), 10-13.
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