On the Formationof Common Legal Consciousness and Waysofits Strengtheningin the Modern Society of Russia and Bulgaria
Comprehension of the institution of ordinary legal consciousness as an element of the spiritual and intellectual life of society in a specific period allows one to interpret the entire spectrum of state and legal phenomena, which are to be taken into account when social and legal policy of the state is developed, which determines the relevance of such studies. The relevance of this study is confirmed by the state of the social and economic sphere in Russia and Bulgaria, characterized by a series of reforms in: the economy, the structure of society, state institutions and legislation during the transition to post-capitalism. The research tasks of the authors were - the establishment of the common and special between the institutions of the two countries in the sphere of ordinary legal consciousness and, on this basis, the determination of measures to strengthen them. The research tasks were solved by analyzing the state of legal consciousness of Russian and Bulgarian citizens based on the results of empirical research.
The study led to some conclusions:
– studying the institute requires a complex approach,
– common between the institutions of the countries is due to a number of factors: belongigng to Slavic culture, language; Eurasian position; long stay in one economic and ideological paradigm; the sameness in the course of many socio-economic processes during the transition period; the retentionin the minds of citizens of the functions of socialist statehood, etc.,
– differences are manifested in the interests pursued by states due to belonging to different polarities of modern geopolitical poles,
– the coincidence of some of the proposed measures to strengthen the institution was noted: the revival of the spiritual and educational function in the field of education and family; impact on the Internet content; strengthening of civil control over the judicial system and legislative activities of the state, etc.
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