Category of "Framework Legislation" in the National Legal System of the Russian Federation

УДК 340.01 ББК 67.0

Keywords: framework legislation, legal system, rule of law, model acts


The article discusses the category of "framework legislation". The paper presents an analysis of dictionaries, Russian and foreign legislation, as well as legal doctrine. As part of the study, it was determined that the category of "framework legislation" is found in the Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic legal systems. Most sources associate this category with the Deferre framework law, adopted in 1956 in France, delegating legislative powers from the parliament to the government, and specifically to an executive branch like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to implement legal reform in the French colonies.

In the Russian legal system, the category of “framework legislation” began to be actively used during the period of concluding a federal agreement, as well as the operation of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 119-FZ “On the principles and procedure for delimiting the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between state authorities of the Russian Federation and public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”. However, later this law was repealed, and officially this category did not receive direct legislative consolidation, existing only in the legal doctrine.

The category "framework legislation" is borrowed from foreign legislation and is an ambiguous concept for the legal system of the Russian Federation due to disparate interpretations.

The norms of the “framework legislation” do not have direct effect, in most cases they are of a reference nature, and also require subsequent specification. In the course of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that  "framework legislation" is considered as model normative legal acts that enshrine the general principles of legal regulation.


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Author Biography

Kseniya Dovgan, Altay State University

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Law Institute,  Altai State University


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How to Cite
Dovgan, K. (2022). Category of "Framework Legislation" in the National Legal System of the Russian Federation. Legal Linguistics, (26 (37), 22-25.
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