The Concept of a Systemic (Systematic) Interpretation of Law in Domestic Legal Science XIX – Early XX Centuries

УДК 348, ББК 67.0

Keywords: systematic interpretation of law, ways of interpretation of law, history of interpretation of law


The article concentrates on the study of issues of the systemic way of interpreting of legal norms through from the stand-point of pre-revolutionary lawyers. The selection of ways to interpret legal norms began at the end of the 19th century but active research of interpreting legal norms didn’t start until the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time the systemic method of interpretation of legal norms is mentioned only in passing in these studies. The authors of the article have come to the conclusion that in the domestic pre-revolutionary legal science there were two main positions in relation to the systemic interpretation. The first one is that some authors following the position of the famous German lawyer K. Savigny considered it an independent interpretation. The second, other lawyers considered the systematic way of interpreting the legal norms as a part (reception, method, element) of a logical (real) interpretation.


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Author Biographies

Konstantin Sinkin, Altai State University

Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Associate Professor

Yuri Zelenin, Altai State University

Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Sinkin, K., & Zelenin, Y. (2023). The Concept of a Systemic (Systematic) Interpretation of Law in Domestic Legal Science XIX – Early XX Centuries. Legal Linguistics, (30(41), 11-14.
Legal hermeneutics