Using Expertise in Performing Linguistic Examination

УДК 81`33, ББК 81

Keywords: linguistic examination, expertise, standing, adversary system, expert error, private expert


The article describes the usage of expertise in performing linguistic examination in regards to the procedural aspect of forensic practice, as well as the level of expert’s professional competence. The possibility for non-state experts to apply their specialized knowledge during a trial is noted to depend on who initiates the examination – the court, the prosecution or the defence. The notions of “an expert” in the sense of “standing in the proceedings”, “qualifications as per graduation certificate” and “official capacity at an expert institution” are analysed. The author provides cases from personal practice which expose errors related to competent establishment of an object of examination and to remaining within the boundaries of expert speciality.


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Author Biography

Alexandra Mankova, Linguistic and Phonoscopic Examination Laboratory LITERA.EXPERT

Doctor of Philology, member of Y.G. Korukhov Chamber of Forensic Experts is an expert in forensic linguistics and phonoscopy; head of Linguistic and Phonoscopic Examination Laboratory LITERA.EXPERT


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How to Cite
Mankova, A. (2023). Using Expertise in Performing Linguistic Examination. Legal Linguistics, (30(41), 78-82.
Forensic Linguistics