"Beyond": Trash Journalism on the Verge of Communicative Norms

УДК 340.12 ББК 67.1

  • Marina Deminova Altay State University Email: m.deminova@mail.ru
  • Anastasiya Chugulova Altay State University Email: chugulovaa@bk.ru
Keywords: mediaspace, communication, trash journalism, talk show, manipulation


The range of functions of modern journalism has expanded, now it not only informs, but also influences, using the entire arsenal of expressive means. Emotionally charged text has a much greater impact on us. Trash is something that catches the eye, attracts attention, shocks, transforms familiar forms. The main thing in such materials is the assessment, and, what is especially interesting, this assessment is always demonstrative and personal in nature. In trash journalism, the author's task is to change the reader's picture of the world, to force him to accept the author's, in this case, always an extraordinary view of the world. Trash journalism is a fairly multifunctional phenomenon that meets the requirements of extremeness, sensationalism and perversion. It is distinguished by the ability to perform several tasks at the same time. For example, a television program can inform, broadcast about acute social problems, and even offer an alternative solution to these problems, while at the same time trying to entertain the viewer. The pathos of laughter always remains dominant. Trash journalism gives the viewer the opportunity to experience the thrill, and the viewer, often without noticing it, succumbs to this temptation. The article discusses the main features of trash journalism based on the material of the talk show "Beyond the Border" (NTV television channel): the connection of content content with the culture of everyday life, appeal to the bodily, to the problems and needs of the "bottom", the cultivation of the aesthetics of the ugly, drawing attention to events , corresponding to the principles of sensationalism and extremeness, pathology and perversity. The talk show "Beyond" is distinguished by the freedom of information presentation, the laws of media communication and media content are denied, the reality is simulated.


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Author Biographies

Marina Deminova, Altay State University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism

Anastasiya Chugulova, Altay State University

3rd year student of the direction "Journalism" of the Altai State University


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How to Cite
Deminova, M., & Chugulova, A. (2022). "Beyond": Trash Journalism on the Verge of Communicative Norms. Legal Linguistics, (26 (37), 81-89. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2022)2614
Suggestive function of language and speech manipulation