• Yury Kholodenko Altay state university Email:
  • Margarita Margolf Altay state university Email:
Keywords: protection of business reputation, American law


The article supports the need for further reforming the institution of protection from defamation. The acuteness of protection from defamation is determined by a number of factors. Firstly, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the judicial review for the first quarter of 2017 indicated that it is necessary to prove the tortuous composition in order to compensate for reputational damages. Secondly, the Russian institution of defamation law has such problems as: defamation laws fail when trying to give sufficient weight to the right to free speech; even if the content of these laws is satisfactory, the practice of their application fails to give due attention to the right to freedom of expression; government officials and other persons abuse these laws; the judicial system does not always follow the case law of the European Court of Human Rights concerning freedom of expression and information; the media are not always liable. The European Court noted in a number of cases that domestic courts generally did not establish boundaries between the right to free speech and business reputation. Protection from defamation is considered to be the most developed in America. Many provisions developed by the American jurisdiction have been accepted by the European Court of Justice. All of the aforesaid, as well as the significance of those constitutional rights in question, confirms the need for a thorough study of foreign experience  amendments to existing norms and jurisprudence.


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Author Biographies

Yury Kholodenko, Altay state university

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law

Margarita Margolf, Altay state university

master student



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How to Cite
Kholodenko, Y., & Margolf, M. (2016). PROTECTION FROM DEFAMATION UNDER THE US LAW. Legal Linguistics, (5 (16), 72-79.
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