• Yury Kholodenko Altay state university Email: holodenko@de-kons.ru
  • Anna Selina Altay state university Email: annet_the_best@mail.ru
Keywords: honor, dignity, suppression of spread


The article discusses ways of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation to prevent further spread of demaging information. This article states the peculiarities and problems of implementation of such methods of protection as the removal of defamatory information, as well as the suppression or prohibition of further dissemination of such information by seizure and destruction without any compensation copies of the tangible media containing the specified data made for the purposes of introduction into civil circulation, if the removal of information is not possible without  destruction of such copies. Comparative analysis of these methods of protection  with each other as well as with other means of protection has been implemented, for example, the article states the difference between the removal of relevant information (paragraph 4 of article 152 of the civil code) and deleting the same information in a network "the Internet" (paragraph 5 of article 152 of the civil code). The author of the article has compared the discussed ways of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation with general methods of protection provided for in article 12 of the civil code. Tthis paper deals with  the newly adopted normative-legal acts that directly regulate the use of these methods of protection. The article presents the position of the supreme courts, as well as relevant judicial practice on the application of the examined ways of protection, reveales the practical and theoretical problems of their application, proposes amendments to the existing legislation to eliminate the existing shortcomings of legal regulation of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens.


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Author Biographies

Yury Kholodenko, Altay state university

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law

Anna Selina, Altay state university
 master student  


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How to Cite
Kholodenko, Y., & Selina, A. (2016). WAYS OF PROTECTING HONOR, DIGNITY AND BUSINESS REPUTATION, TO PREVENT FURTHER DEFAMATION. Legal Linguistics, (5 (16), 80-87. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2016)508
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