Problematics of the Content of "Labor" Сonstitution Сategory

Keywords: labor, the right to labor, freedom of labor, constitutional category


The article discusses the constitutional category of «labour», the definition of which is not enshrined in legislative acts because it is considered to be a well-known category, which is not a special legal one and does not require any clarification. However, this approach creates difficulties for legal regulation, as it blurs the boundaries for the legislator and the executor. Lack of awareness of the concept of a regulated category can lead to a situation when the legislator, creating a new law or making amendments to an existing one, will subject to regulation the area that does not pertain to the relevant legal phenomenon, or vice versa - will ignore part of the content of the regulated category, which is certain to negatively affect the quality of legal regulation. Law enforcement practices similarly face difficulties in having only doctrinal understandings of statutory concepts, which creates inconsistency in decisions made by lawyers in course of their professional work. The 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrined the category of «labour» in a number of articles, but did not clarify the interpretation of its concept. The analysis of economic and legal views on labor allows us to conclude that, despite the status of a well-known category, which, it would seem, does not need an explanation, only the presence of clear criteria for recognizing an activity as labor, provides high-quality legal regulation, in particular, it allows not only to separate the types of activities that are not subject to legal regulation, but also to choose the right branch of law that regulates social relations in each particular case.


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Author Biography

Anna Kanakova, Altai State University

Candidate of legal sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Altai State University



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How to Cite
Kanakova, A. (2021). Problematics of the Content of "Labor" Сonstitution Сategory. Legal Linguistics, (19 (30), 20-24.
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