Lexicographic Sources as a Tool for a Forensic Examiner

Keywords: linguistic examination, explanatory dictionary, lexical meaning, stylistic coloring of the word


The method of lexicographic analysis is actively used in forensic linguistic examination of controversial statements and texts. Law experts interpret words and expressions as the most important argument in the process of procuring evidence. At the same time, when referring to various lexicographic sources, there are discrepancies known  in the interpretation of the word meanings, as well as dictionary lables. The work classifies the problems arising in the course of lexicographic analysis of lexemes that occur in disputable texts. To name a few, the problems of the study of words of literary language and non-literary stratums are analyzed, the features of the study of expressive-stylistic coloring of words are described, the necessity to create a specialized dictionary of encyclopedic character to study "extremist" materials is stated.


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Author Biography

Svetlana Doronina, Altay state university

Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of General and Applied Philology, Literature and Russian Language;

"Altai forensic laboratory" leading forensic expert


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How to Cite
Doronina, S. (2021). Lexicographic Sources as a Tool for a Forensic Examiner. Legal Linguistics, (19 (30), 28-31. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2021)1905
Forensic Linguistics