Hierarchy in Law: Practical Approachh
УДК 340, ББК 67.0
Modern practical jurisprudence is faced with many difficulties caused by the inconsistency of the current legislation. The resolution of conflicts of norms of different legal force, collisions of general and special norms, temporal (temporary) collisions is an integral part of the law enforcer’s work. This problem is particularly topical in relation to the interference of legal norms of different legal force. A hierarchically arranged legal system presupposes internal coordination of legal acts. The classical principle of resolving conflicts between normative legal acts of different legal force is the rule of the priority of a norm of greater legal force. However, when Russia is concerned, the deceptive simplicity of this rule is complicated by the lack of a legal system of legal acts, as well as by the principle of federalism. The hierarchy under discussion is developed by the efforts of theoretical science. The article also discusses the problematic aspects of using the hierarchy of legal acts in case of their collision.
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