The Problem of Understanding the Evaluative Concepts of Civil Law: the Ratio of Natural and Legal Language

УДК 340, ББК 67.0

  • Tatiana Platunova Altai State University Email:
  • Ulyana Pleshivtseva Altai State Pedagogical University Email:
  • Tatiana Borodulina Altai State Pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: evaluative concepts, legal language, natural language, civil law, linguistics


The article covers the problem of understanding evaluative concepts in civil law and legal linguistics. There have been attempts of civil studies to consider categories of evaluative concepts and propose their applied classifications. However, the problem of the presence and systematic interpretation of evaluative concepts in the legal sphere remains practically unresolved. In this article, we have made an attempt to identify the reason for the emergence and active use of evaluative concepts in civil law. This study answers the questions of what is meant by the concept of value in law and for what purpose it can be applied. We explored the main academic debate on the problem of evaluative concepts in law and linguistics, and then revealed that the evaluative concept is interpreted differently in these branches of knowledge and a possible convergence of understanding will cause great practical problems in law enforcement practice. The debate of linguists is caused by the basic idea that evaluative concepts have different, relative connotations, while lawyers strive to most clearly fix the phenomena of reality in evaluative concepts. The study identifies the characteristic features of evaluative concepts in the legal sphere and linguistics, which makes it possible to distinguish between interpretations.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Platunova, Altai State University

Department of Civil Law, Altai State University

Ulyana Pleshivtseva , Altai State Pedagogical University

Master's student, Altai State University

Tatiana Borodulina , Altai State Pedagogical University

Department of Jurisprudence and Methods of Teaching Socio-Economic Disciplines, Altai State Pedagogical University


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How to Cite
Platunova, T., Pleshivtseva , U., & Borodulina , T. (2023). The Problem of Understanding the Evaluative Concepts of Civil Law: the Ratio of Natural and Legal Language. Legal Linguistics, (30(41), 38-42.
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