Active Longevity: Issues of Implementation Policy in Russia
УДК 349.3, ББК 67.405
The article examines the legal aspect of the concept of "active longevity". The relevance of the topic is emphasized, due to the increase in life expectancy, demographic aging of the population in the Russia, which entails a change in the socio-economic structure of modern Russian society. Today, senior citizens represent a significant social and age group in the Russian Federation. This brings about the necessity for the development of a national system of regulatory legal acts aimed at implementing the concept of active longevity. To achieve this goal, it is most important to resolve the issues of the need for legal consolidation of the concept of active longevity and determining the subjective structure of the concept of active longevity. For this purpose, an analysis of international acts on human rights, the concept of active aging is carried out. Using the example of Russian regulatory acts, the subjective structure is considered, to which the concept of active longevity applies. Еxamples of national concepts of active longevity in some foreign countries are given for reference. The conclusion is made that today there is no legal definition of the concept of active longevity in Russian regulatory legal acts, which is an obstacle for effective legal regulation to improve the standard and conditions of life of senior citizens. The authors note that it is advisable to specify the legal definition of the concept of active longevity by focusing on the quality of life of senior citizens. Such an approach will facilitate an objective assessment of the living conditions of the group of persons in question and the optimization of legal regulation of implementation policy in the interests of senior citizens (to meet the material and spiritual needs of the persons mentioned).
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