The Principle of Gender Equality in the Texts of the Constitutions of Western European Countries

Keywords: gender equality, state, women's rights, constitution, discrimination


The article analyzes the provisions of regulatory legal acts that ensure the enforcement of women's rights in Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, etc. The paper shows the effectiveness of the Northern European approach to overcoming obstacles to gender equality through the establishment of special state agencies and government authorities. As generally recognized leaders in the field of women's rights this group of states effectively implements national mechanisms of gender equality. It is worth remembering that progress in achieving gender equality in Western countries is due to the intensity of the women's movement itself and the growth of women's representation in governments, parliaments and public organizations. Besides we should mention a broad anti-discrimination legislative framework and a system of state agencies implementing gender equality strategies in Europe. The systematic development of the concepts of equal opportunities has allowed women in these countries to take a secure place in the labor market on equal terms with men. The article shows that gender equality can be defined to a certain extent as a kind of "sameness" of men and women. However, this sameness should not be equated with identity. Alas, it is impossible to equate a woman and a man, at least the reason for this is mental and physiological differences, plus the obvious difference in their biological functions. It has proved that despite numerous benefits, women continue to face various forms of discrimination. Finally, as the experience of Western countries shows, to achieve equality de facto it is necessary to significantly increase the activity of women themselves, civil society institutions, to strengthen the role of state authorities in the implementation of true gender equality.


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Author Biographies

Alexander Golovinov, Altay state university

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute of Altai State University

Yulia Golovinova, Altai State Pedagogical University

Phd in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and Methods of Teaching Social and Economic Disciplines


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How to Cite
Golovinov, A., & Golovinova, Y. (2021). The Principle of Gender Equality in the Texts of the Constitutions of Western European Countries. Legal Linguistics, (20(31), 5-8.
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