Types of Legal Bonds Arising in the Mechanism of Ensuring the Proper Discharge of Duty by Participants in Criminal Proceedings

УДК 343.1 ББК 67.4

  • Evgeny Petukhov Алтайский государственный университет Email: petuchove@mail.ru
Keywords: criminal procedure, security mechanism, duty, participants, legal bonds


The article discusses the problem of ensuring the discharge of duty of participants in criminal proceedings. The article reveals the elementary structure of the security mechanism, functioning of which guarantees the proper discharge of the duty of participants in criminal proceedings. The heterogeneity of the elements that make up the internal structure of the security mechanism under consideration is determined and the types of bonds that arise between them during their interaction are established. The importance of these bonds for the functioning of the mechanism for ensuring the proper discharge of criminal procedural duties is assessed. The forms of manifestation of these bonds at implementation of the law-enforcement by the authorities in criminal cases are revealed.


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How to Cite
Petukhov, E. (2023). Types of Legal Bonds Arising in the Mechanism of Ensuring the Proper Discharge of Duty by Participants in Criminal Proceedings. Legal Linguistics, (27(38), 68-70. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2023)2712
Legal Communication