On the Use of the Concept of "Globalism" in the Interpretation of Legal Acts

УДК 67.0, ББК 348

Keywords: globalism, the letter of the law, globalization of the world, principles of law, interpretation of law


The article analyzes the concept of "globalism" from the perspective of its use in law-making and law enforcement activities. The author pays great attention to the use of the concept of "globalism" in the interpretation of legal acts. The interpretation and theoretical characteristics of globalism as an international phenomenon are proposed. When legal systems are oriented towards globalism, law enforcement officers reduce their function to a mechanical correlation of the real legal situation with the articles of normative legal acts. Preference for the letter of the law implies that the law enforcer does not claim the principles of law and categories of morality. A lawyer should, in each case of interpretation of legal acts, discuss the boundaries of legal regulation, the supremacy of the principles of law over the norms, the grounds for the binding force of the norms of law.


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Author Biography

Vitaly Sorokin , Altai State University

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Law Institute


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How to Cite
Sorokin , V. (2023). On the Use of the Concept of "Globalism" in the Interpretation of Legal Acts. Legal Linguistics, (29(40), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2023)2903
Legal hermeneutics