Methods of Textual Analysis of Pre-revolutionary Correctional Legislation in the Political and Legal Heritage of N.M. Yadrintsev

УДК 340.12, ББК 67.1

Keywords: textual analysis of legal norms, Siberian regionalism, N. M. Yadrintsev, Russian Empire, historical school of law, comparative legal method, sociology of law, penitentiary studies


This work is aimed at historical and legal hermeneutic reconstruction of methods and techniques of textual analysis of the correctional legislation of the Russian Empire in the political and legal ideological heritage of the founder of the ideology of Siberian regionalism - N.M. Yadrintsev. The material focuses on the fact that in the literary and journalistic works of the writer one can find a wide palette of political and legal assessment of legislation with regard to imposition and execution of criminal punishment.

The authors note that as a true patriot of his lesser motherland N.M. Yadrintsev spent his entire life working for the abolition of exile to that land, which inevitably turned the region into an underpriveliged and improper place. Therefore, in order to fully understand the facets of the correctional policy in the “Eastern Outskirts” of the Russian Empire the educator considered in depth the legal side of the punitive justice.

  In general, it is shown that the historical school of law in the epistemology of norms and regulations has always been aimed at the genesis of the text of a legal act. This methodological technique was widely used by the Siberian regionalist in his political and legal doctrine. This particular knowledge of legal reality made it possible to determine the existence of breaches in the texts of regulatory documents of pre-revolutionary Russia.

The article presents the conclusion that the educator used the techniques of the historical-legal approach, historical-textual analysis of the regulatory framework, sociological tools, statistical methods and paradigms of comparative analysis of the texts of the penal legislation in Imperial Russia.


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Author Biographies

Alexander Golovinov, Altai State University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law at the Law Institute

Yulia Golovinova, Altai State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and Methods of Teaching Socio-economic Disciplines


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How to Cite
Golovinov, A., & Golovinova, Y. (2024). Methods of Textual Analysis of Pre-revolutionary Correctional Legislation in the Political and Legal Heritage of N.M. Yadrintsev. Legal Linguistics, (32 (43), 16-20.