Definitions of the Term “Victimological Security” in the General Structure of Сriminologiсal Knowledge

УДК 343.9.018.3, ББК 67.51

  • Evgeniia Rogova Irkutsk Law Institute (branch of ) University of Public Prosecution Service of the Russian Federation Email:
  • Elizaveta Kachurova East Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice Email:
Keywords: victimological security, criminology, victimization, security threats


The article considers the definition of the concept of victimological security as one of the significant concepts of the criminological system of crime prevention. Approaches to the study of victimological security are highlighted, the historical aspect of the development of the concept is given, attention is focused on the need to study issues of victimological security, as well as issues of understanding the term as part of the development of an effective security system as a whole. The article analyzes the prospects for the development of the victimological branch in the criminological theory, as a reserve and a necessary element of maintaining a favorable criminological environment. Consideration of reserve opportunities to prevent modern criminological threats from a victimological perspective will speed up creating a favorable victimological environment, where  responsible and caring public attitude will ensure a total reduction in the level of victimization. The development of a victimological system has been evolving in dependence with changes throughout the period of shaping of modern Russia, reflecting the state of its economy, political trends, sociocultural trends, ideological, value attitudes and the urge to minimize criminological threats. The very attitude towards the behavior and role of victims in crimes committed is nothing more than the proper level of legal culture of modern society, and the norms of criminal legislation and criminal procedure legislation that ensure the full legal status of victims are an indicator of compliance with constitutional principles. A condition for the effectiveness of a system of measures to ensure victimological security is its ability to adapt to criminological changes and compliance with the dynamics of modern crime progression. The article substantiates the need for a comprehensive study of the term victimological security for the development of a general system of criminological knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Evgeniia Rogova, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch of ) University of Public Prosecution Service of the Russian Federation

Director of the Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Elizaveta Kachurova, East Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice

Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the East Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Irkutsk


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How to Cite
Rogova, E., & Kachurova, E. (2024). Definitions of the Term “Victimological Security” in the General Structure of Сriminologiсal Knowledge. Legal Linguistics, (32 (43), 32-36.