Definition of the Сategory "First Offender" for the Purpose of Exemption from Criminal Liability: Methodological Aspect
УДК 343.01, ББК 67.408
The article considers the complex linguistic construction of "a first offender". Despite the frequent use of this category the current criminal law lacks its legal definition. The highest judicial authority in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 06/27/2013 No. 19 "On the application by courts of legislation regulating the grounds and procedure for exemption from criminal liability" offers an extremely broad understanding of the primacy of the commission of a crime as a condition for exemption from criminal liability. The author explores the provisions of the doctrine of criminal law on the definition of a first offender, including in terms of analyzing the above mentioned judicial interpretation, identifies conceptual scientific approaches to establishing the content of the category in question, identifies criminological problems arising from the broad interpretation of the term "first offender", and also conducts a comparative analysis of the compliance of normative and judicial understanding of the investigated linguistic structure of the criminal law principles. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the following conclusions: the concept of the first offender, as well as the principles of legality, justice and equality, formed in judicial practice, does not correspond to the tasks of the criminal law enshrined in Article 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, first of all, the tasks of deterring new crimes (general and individual prevention). In order to eliminate the identified gaps in the criminal law, the author proposes to normalize the concept of "first offender" in the text of the criminal law and make appropriate changes to the said Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. When determining the content of the category "first offender", the author suggests using the legal construction of a negative fact with an indication of exceptions, that is, persons who cannot be recognized as first offenders.
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