Forensic Linguistics: Essence, Structure, Regularities, Functions

УДК 343.54, ББК 67.408.113

Keywords: forensic expertology, forensic linguistics, forensic authorship examination, forensic examination of sound recordings, forensic linguistic examination, forensic examination of intellectual property


One of the key provisions of the concept of forensic expertology by A. I. Vinberg and N.  T. Malakhovskaya is the provision on the so-called subject forensic sciences - subsystems of forensic expertology formed as a result of the transformation of data from fundamental (parent) sciences based on the needs of legal proceedings. The article considers forensic linguistics as a new forensic science, which appeared as a result of transformation of linguistics as a fundamental science. It is shown that forensic linguistics is a source of special linguistic knowledge applied in the form of forensic authorship examination, forensic examination of sound recordings, forensic linguistic examination and forensic examination of intellectual property objects. The article considers the essence of forensic linguistics as a forensic science, as well as its structure, regularities and functions.


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Author Biography

Vitaly Kuznetsov , Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Head of the Department of Linguistic Expertise of the Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation


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How to Cite
Kuznetsov , V. (2024). Forensic Linguistics: Essence, Structure, Regularities, Functions. Legal Linguistics, (32 (43), 90-98.
Forensic Linguistics