Physical Trespass to the Person: Concept, Types and Approaches to Description in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

УДК 343.231, ББК 67.408.014

Keywords: criminal trespass, physical trespass, death, harm to human health, deprivation of freedom


The article considers foundations of the doctrine of criminal trespass with regard to physical trespass to the person. Trespass to the person is defined as a violation of the rights and freedoms of an individual protected by the criminal law. It is shown that the specific manifestation of this criminal trespass depends on the nature of personal rights and freedoms infringed. Criminal trespass to the person is broken into types: physical, mental, other significant violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms and property trespass. The concept is clarified and the types of physical trespass are considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that physical trespass is limited to battery or harm caused to the human body. It is proposed to distinguish the following types of physical trespass: death, harm to health, bodily injury and depriving of freedom of movement. The concept and features of the description of death as a type of physical trespass in the criminal law are reflected. The signs and types of harm to human health are disclosed. In particular, it has been revealed that such harm consists in the impairment of human physiology relative to the state before the onset of pathology and is manifested in bodily injury (trauma), disease or medical condition. The diversity of ways of describing harm to human health in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is demonstrated. Attention is given to the criminal result of battery and torture. It is established that these violent crimes do not entail harm to health, but rather bodily injury. It is determined that physical trespass in the form of false imprisonment consists in the unlawful obstruction or deprivation of freedom from restraint of movement. The most important feature of such trespass, which should be taken into account in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is that the severity of this crime depends on the duration of the unlawful deprivation of freedom of a person. Recommendations for improving the description of certain types of physical trespass to the person in the criminal law are offered.


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Author Biographies

Irina Anisimova, Altai State University

Ph.D. in law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Altai State University

Sergey Zemlyukov, Altai State University

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Anisimova, I., & Zemlyukov, S. (2024). Physical Trespass to the Person: Concept, Types and Approaches to Description in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Legal Linguistics, (33 (44), 25-30.