Keywords: trademark, company name, degree of similarity close to confusion, expertise


This paper describes a semiotic mechanism for creating trademarks that are similar to each other to the point of confusion. Correlations with legal notion of «confusing similarity " are searched  for in the field of Communication. We mainly emphasize the probability of misleading the consumer about the origin of the goods. In combined trademarks, the similarity is advisable to be determined through the various components of the structure and through the functioning of the trademark. A formal-semantic similarity of the trademarks can be considered as paronymy -  a motivated substitution of one name for another in the speech functioning. Other trademarks can be considered as paronomasia, because they are similar to each other only graphically and phonetically. The article classifies the methods of creating trademarks that are similar to the degree of confusion. The suggested properties of the presented methods, in our opinion, are not identical, and their measurement requires experimental research.


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Author Biography

Svetlana Doronina, Altai State University; Laboratory of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate Professor of the Chair of General and Applied Philology, Literature and Russian Language,  forensic examiner  


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How to Cite
Doronina, S. (2016). "DEGREE OF SIMILARITY CLOSE TO CONFUSION ": LINGUISTIC ASPECT. Legal Linguistics, (5 (16), 200-210. https://doi.org/10.14258/leglin(2016)517
Suggestive function of language and speech manipulation